The Forbidden City by Alexander Grant

The Forbidden City by Alexander Grant

Author:Alexander Grant
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Alexander Grant
Published: 2018-03-01T00:00:00+00:00

With trumpets blaring and banners waving, the Imperial forces began their concentrated attack on Ara. Scores of archers launched waves of arrows towards the walls, covering the slow progress of the siege towers. Behind them, line after line of legionnaires waited patiently for the towers to connect with the walls.

Strangely, the defenders failed to respond. The only sounds on the field were the twang of the bows, the whistling of the arrows and the creaking of the tower’s wheels. The dumbfounded officers looked panicked, lost in thought at what order they could possibly issue in the presence of the Emperor.

‘It must be a trap. This damned fox Leandros has a surprise in store for us. I know him and his accursed tricks. What is it this time? I want suggestions now!’ the Emperor ordered his confused generals.

‘Maybe they’re surrendering?’ ventured one of his aides in a timid voice.

‘Don’t be a fool!’ blared Assaf. ‘Leandros does not know this word. He is up to something, damn him.’

Yet, the towers reached the walls unopposed and, soon after, the first Imperial banners were visible on the ramparts. Messengers arrived to report that the walls were captured and that there was not a soul in sight. ‘What should the army do now?’ they asked.

‘Order them to proceed with caution. Search every house, turn every stone. And somebody open those damned gates,’ commanded the enraged Emperor.

It took the entire day for the army to search the town from one end to the other. Only when it was clear that it was completely deserted did the Emperor enter, of course under heavy protection. Once he’d inspected the town, his rage became uncontrollable. He had wasted almost a week and many precious resources to capture an abandoned town.

His Generals suggested that the Indrans were obviously terrified and had no army capable of opposing them. If this were the case, this invasion would be a simple affair. After all, the purpose was to control the country, and they should easily be able to subdue the hillmen. Now the road to Arboreto should be open. This surely called for a celebration.

With no other explanation available, Assaf agreed that a celebration was in order. It would be good for morale. A last worthy occasion before the quick march to Arboreto. The Emperor’s staff was ordered to organise a feast, the way the Emperor liked; drinks, spices and whores. It was time for the conquering heroes to have some fun.

The wine merchants were ordered to deliver their best wares for the feast and the best-looking whores were to be brought to the Emperor’s quarters. As for the army, they were to get ready to move at first light, without any camp followers trailing behind them. The Emperor was in a hurry to reach Arboreto.

Arsenio spent the whole day and night waiting at the ford. No one came to meet him, which bode ill. Still, he decided to keep waiting, despite a horrible feeling gnawing at his guts. The next day, the Imperial outriders appeared near the ford and soon the rest of the army followed behind them.


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